How Porcelain Veneers Can Improve the Appearance of Teeth

A beautiful smile can build your self-confidence and attract the attention of people. On the other hand, chipped, misaligned or stained teeth can lower self-esteem and make you constantly conscious of your dental inadequacies.  Even though not everyone is endowed with a naturally beautiful smile, porcelain veneers can be used to compensate for teeth defects and improve the appearance of nearly anyone's teeth. Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain material that are designed to bond to the natural tooth structure.

Tips for Handling Emergency Dental Situations With Kids

When your child suffers an oral injury, it is not unusual to be panicked. However, in order to ensure that the damage is not permanent, you would need to stay calm and handle the situation before you rush your child to see an emergency dentist. The measures you take during that period of time before they can see a dentist could make the difference between complete healing or your child having to live with undue side effects.

Reasons to Fix Your Overbite

If your front teeth overlap your bottom teeth, you have a bite issue called an overbite. This is one of three common bite issues, alongside an underbite and crossbite. With an overbite, correcting it is often done when you get braces to straighten your teeth, but it is not just a cosmetic issue. There are also some oral health reasons to fix an overbite. Here are some different things to consider when deciding if you should get orthodontic treatment to correct your overbite.

Denture Dry Mouth: The Pros and Cons of Chewing Gum

If your mouth isn't producing enough saliva, it may become uncomfortably dry. As a denture wearer, a dry mouth may pose additional problems over and above a feeling of dryness. Saliva helps your dentures stick to your mouth, keeping them in place. If your mouth can't produce enough saliva, your dentures may feel loose or unstable. While chewing gum has oral advantages to denture wearers just as it does for people with their natural teeth, gum also has some disadvantages if you wear false teeth.

4 Potential Causes Behind Over Sensitive Teeth

There's a layer of tissue known as dentin inside your teeth and under the enamel. Within this dentin, tiny tubules filled with tiny nerve endings are located. When the enamel wears out, the dentin tubules lose their protective covering around the enamel. This exposes nerves to hot, acidic, cold and sticky substances, which cause pain or sensitivity. If you have overly sensitive teeth, you will need to visit a dentist to resolve your problem.