Brush Up Your Brushing! 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Your Teeth

Keeping your teeth clean can help to keep cavities at bay, but how do you know you're using the right cleaning technique? Many people don't brush at the right time or for long enough to get their teeth fully clean. Learn about these five common oral cleaning mistakes so you can avoid making them yourself. 1. Brushing Too Briefly Brushing for too brief a time is one of the biggest mistakes people make when caring for their teeth.

4 Tips for Speeding Up Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Time

Wisdom teeth, the molars that sit at the back of your upper jaw, usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 24. While for most of us, wisdom teeth emerge without complications, a small percentage erupt on an angle or cause infection, making it necessary to remove them. Dentists recommend at least three or four days off work after wisdom teeth removal, but recovery can take up to two weeks. Take a look at these tips for speeding up the recovery time after having your wisdom teeth removed, to help stop the pain and get you back to work faster.

Five Signs You Should Keep Your Wisdom Teeth

So many people get their wisdom teeth extracted, that some dental patients think it is a necessity, but there are cases in which you don't have to go through a wisdom teeth extraction. Here are five signs you can avoid this procedure. 1. You don't have any wisdom teeth. About a thousand years ago, there was a mutation and someone was born without wisdom teeth. This mutation continues to exist in modern times, and as a result, some people are born without wisdom teeth.

Curbing Denture Stomatitis

If you have been wearing dentures for some time, you have probably come across denture stomatitis. Denture stomatitis is characterized by soreness and can cause complications if left untreated. One problem that may arise is that dentures may not fit perfectly in your mouth in the future. What Causes Denture Stomatitis? The condition is caused by a fungus known as Candida, which is present in all humans. Most people who wear dentures suffer from the infection because dentures result in an imbalance of the fungus.

The Various Types of Dental Crowns

There are several different types of dental crowns currently available on the market. Regardless if you will receive a stainless steel or ceramic crown, they all require specific care. It is important to understand each crown type and their purpose. The following information will give you a thorough break down of the various types of dental crowns on the market. Resin Crown This type of crown is great for people that do not want to spend a large amount of money on dental work.