Getting Your Baby Through The Evils Of Teething

At around six months of age, your child may engage in glass-shattering screaming fits and it isn't out of hunger or losing their favourite toy -- it's the dreaded teething period. The process isn't called 'cutting a tooth' for nothing -- the pain of new teeth piercing through the gums will be unlike anything they have experienced so far, so it's important to do what you can to soothe your child. Here are a few tips to help ease your baby through the teething process.

Visiting a Cosmetic Dentist Can Actually Protect Your Overall Oral Health

A cosmetic dentist can give you a great smile and easily improve your appearance, but he or she can also protect your overall oral health in a variety of ways. If you've thought about seeing a cosmetic dentist but aren't sure if fixing your teeth is that important, note how their services can protect the inside of your mouth. 1. Capping or bonding broken teeth Broken and severely chipped teeth are not just unsightly; they're also dangerous for your overall oral health.

How to Extend the Results of a Tooth Whitening Procedure

Bright, shiny, white teeth are highly desirable in modern society. Luckily, tooth whitening is a fairly straightforward dental procedure, and one of the least expensive forms of cosmetic dentistry. Following a whitening procedure, you will want to maintain the results as long as possible. No one wants to return to the dentist every couple of months for a touch up. With proper dental habits, you can keep that white smile intact for several years or more.

An Overview Of Laser Treatment

If you want to retrieve the whiteness of your teeth, your dentist will probably suggest you go through laser teeth whitening. Lasers have been used to treat various problems and one of these is discoloured or yellow teeth. The following is a brief overview of laser treatment to give you an idea of what you are going to encounter. Why Laser Treatment Lasers became popular for whitening of teeth after numerous complaints by consumers that conventional bleaching was painful and led to inflammation.