4 Reasons You Should See a Cosmetic Dentist

A set of healthy teeth brings a sense of pride and makes social interactions more pleasant. However, having a beautiful smile does not come easy for most people. You may find yourself battling dental problems which can adversely affect your confidence. Good oral hygiene notwithstanding, the human dental formula is prone to damage triggered by internal and external factors. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry provides a solution to most dental issues and can improve your facial appearance.

When Good for You Is Bad for Teeth: 2 Healthy Foods That Harm Teeth

At a time in history when heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity are rampant, many people are beginning to explore healthier food alternatives. Unfortunately, many of the so-called "healthy" food alternatives can harm your teeth. So, while your waistline shrinks, unbeknownst to you, your teeth could be deteriorating. However, with a few simple adjustments to the way you eat these healthy foods, you can continue to enjoy them whilst protecting your teeth.