Dental Health: 4 Causes of Bad Breath

If you are experiencing bad breath you may be wondering about the cause of this issue. This article outlines 4 possible causes of bad breath and the steps a dentist will recommend you take to address the problem. Read on to discover more.

Gum disease

One condition that may be causing bad breath is gum disease. Gum disease may cause your gums to bleed, localised pain, and redness. Gum disease is caused by a build-up of bacteria in your mouth. If left untreated, gum disease can cause the gum tissue to recede. As this occurs, bacteria may thrive in the space between the gum and your teeth, increasing the severity of the problem. Your dentist can treat this issue by prescribing antibiotics and cleaning your gums and teeth to remove tartar and bacteria. They will also review your dental hygiene routine to make sure you are doing everything you can to combat this issue.

Dry mouth

Dry mouth is a common cause of bad breath. Saliva plays an important role in keeping bacteria at bay and washing away plaque from the surface of your teeth. A dry mouth can be caused by several things, including smoking, stress, drug use and the use of prescription medications such as antidepressants and antipsychotics. You can combat having a dry mouth by regularly taking sips of water and by chewing gum. When you chew gum, this stimulates saliva production.

Unhealthy diet

Your diet can also contribute to bad breath. Be sure to avoid foods and beverages that can change your breath smell, such as alcohol, garlic and onions. Excess coffee and caffeinated drinks can also affect your breath. If you have a high sugar diet, this could also be fuelling the growth of harmful bacteria in your mouth. By including more fresh fruit and veggies and cutting out junk foods, you can help to combat bad breath and improve your dental health.

Acid reflux

Acid reflux disease can cause your mouth to taste sour and your breath to smell sour. The burning sensation is caused by a faulty valve at the base of your oesophagus which allows acid to travel upwards from the stomach towards your mouth. This acid can cause bad breath. The damage the acid causes to your teeth and gums can also lead to dental issues which result in bad breath. Your dentist may recommend medication which helps to neutralise the acids before they reach your mouth.

If you're interested in finding out more about the causes of bad breath, you should book an appointment with your local dental office. A dentist will be happy to examine your mouth and to provide advice and treatment.

Talk to a dentist for more information.
