Reasons to Choose In-Office Teeth Whitening

If you are looking to bleach your teeth, you may be trying to decide between doing it at home or having a dentist complete the whitening process for you. Here are some reasons to choose in-office whitening.

The Dentist Will Perform an Examination First

Before you get your teeth whitened, you might want to make sure your teeth and gums are in good condition. If you have a bad infection or a cracked tooth, the whitening process can be extremely painful, and might even cause worse problems with that dental condition. It is much better to have your dentist examine your teeth, get X-rays done, and have a professional cleaning, if it hasn't been done in a while. They will be able to provide treatment for your problem teeth, such as getting a filling or tending to an infection, before you go through the whitening process.

Your Whitening Procedure Is Monitored

If you are using a home tray kit to bleach your teeth, you may suddenly find that you are having pain or extreme sensitivity. It is hard to know exactly what is causing this, which may even require you to visit your dentist. With an in-office cleaning, the dentist is already there, making sure the whitening procedure goes smoothly. If you have any issues, you can let them know while the whitening is taking place. They will also ensure the whitening is done flawlessly, where you can achieve the desired whiteness with dentist-approved products.

You Can Get Immediate Results with Laser Whitening

Your dentist can provide either laser whitening in the office, or begin the process of tray whitening in the office, then finish it when you get home. With laser whitening, you will be able to have the whitening done in a single session. It is often done as quickly as a lunch break, so it is a very convenient option. If you have a special event in just a few days, this is a great option. By the time you leave the dentist's office, you will already have teeth as white as you want them.

Tray Whitening Provides You with Custom Trays

You also benefit when you choose in-office tray whitening. Instead of using trays in store-bought kits that don't fit well over your teeth, these trays are made from impressions your cosmetic dentist gets from your teeth. Not only will they whiten your teeth successfully the first time you use them in the office, but you can continue using them as often as you need to at home.
